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Aplauze pentru poet • Ion Minulescu

Poezii: “Epilog sentimental”, “Ultima oră”, “Romanța tineretii”, “Ploaia Sfântului Ilie”, “Acuarela”, “Peisaj umed”, “Cântecul nebunului”, “Păpuşa automată”, “Celei care pleaca”, “Romanța celor 3 romanțe”, “Romanța retrospectiva”, “Romanța meschină”, “Sinuciderea unui anonim”, “Fetiţa din Făgădău”
Recită actorii Victor Rebengiuc, Rodica Mandache, Mihai Mălaimare
Filmări realizate în noiembrie 2021, la Sala ArCuB Bucureşti

Miron Radu Paraschivescu

b. 2 October 1911, Zimnicea – d. 17 February 1971, Bucharest

poet, essayist, journalist

After studying Literature at Bucharest University, Miron Radu Paraschivescu wrote for a number of inter-war and post-war left-wing magazines, some of which were under the control of the Romanian Communist Party.

His best-known collection of poems, Gypsy Songs (1941), brought him huge popular success, although in his earlier writings he had been proponent of the extreme literary avant-garde. The poems in the collection are refined, modernist, full of passionate lyricism, celebrating the heritage of an ethnic group which at the time had fallen victim to the Holocaust, the same as the Jews. Of all Paraschivescu’s works, Gypsy Songs was the most frequently published and expanded.

After more than a decade as a writer who penned politically servile, moralising verse, Paraschivescu managed to reinvent his poetry in 1960, the year that Nichita Stănescu made his début. His poetry drastically altered, diversified, underwent thematic and stylistic changes, becoming something wholly different in comparison with both his older gypsy songs and, above all, the poems he had published in the 1950s.

From the late 1960s onward, Paraschivescu’s work became more classical, meditative, sensual.

As well as being a poet, Miron Radu Paraschivescu was also an essayist, editor, and a translator of left-wing writers from the West.